Meet Zumba Instructor Sophie Walters

Meet Zumba instructor Sophie Walters. Sophie is our regular instructor for Zumba in the Park, so we asked her some questions to get to know her a little better! You can join Sophie for her Zumba in the Park sessions Tuesdays at 7:00pm.

First off, quick background info! Tell us your name, where you’re from, and what you do.

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My name is Sophie Walters and I am originally from Paris, France. I moved to New York City 7 years ago and I have been living in Long Island City for the past 3 years. Outside of Zumba and fitness, I work as a Crime Victim Advocate for Safe Horizon and the NYPD. I assist and help victims of crime in understanding the criminal justice process and their rights as a victim. 

How’d you get into Zumba? How long have you been a Zumba instructor

I always loved to dance and I grew up taking all sorts of dance classes. But I only started taking Zumba classes with Crunch Gym when I moved to NYC. I got Zumba certified in October 2017, started teaching in LIC in February 2018 and now I am a Zumba instructor for Crunch Gyms. Full circle of life. 

What’s your favorite thing about teaching Zumba classes?

My favorite thing about teaching Zumba is connecting with my students before, during and after class. I have met amazing people through Zumba and I have built strong friendships throughout the years. I love my Zumba community! 

How is teaching in the park different than your typical studio?

Teaching in the Park is very different from an indoor class. It is so fun to be outside, to enjoy the breeze, the sunset, and the view. It’s so liberating, versus classes indoors which can sometimes feel cramped and stuffy. I love teaching in the Park and I am so thankful for my partnership with Hunter’s Point Park Conservancy. 

When you’re not teaching, what is your favorite thing to do in the parks?

I love the LIC Park and I often go for long weekly walks with my husband. It helps me stay grounded and relax. I also enjoy all the summer activities organized across NYC. I love movies in the park. 

Lastly, how do you motivate/energize yourself to be active when you’re feeling lazy?

Like everybody, I sometimes get lazy and I don’t have the energy to workout. It’s totally normal. First I try to listen to my body as much as possible and rest if needed. Otherwise, to motivate me, I remind myself how good and accomplished I feel after working out. Also, I try to do an activity I enjoy, something fun, maybe a long walk on the LIC waterfront, some yoga or my ultimate favorite, Zumba!