Green Infrastructure & Hidden Sustainability in Hunter's Point South Park

Hunter’s Point South Park was built with sustainability at the forefront of its design. here are some hidden sustainable features and uses of green infrastructure you might not have known about:

The turf oval in Hunter’s Point South Park serves dual purposes. Not only is it a fun playing field for sports and activities, a viewing spot for our outdoor movies and an ideal sunset-watching spot, but it also can hold up to 600,000 gallons of water, protecting the neighborhood from possible storm surge. New York City uses a combined sewage system, meaning it collects both rainwater and sewage, which can easily overwhelm the system and result in flooding. Any efforts to absorb rainwater and prevent runoff help to minimize the threat of flooding. The turf oval retains water and helps to alleviate pressure on the city’s water system. 


Another piece of green infrastructure is the pavilion that houses LIC Landing. The roof above the Landing provides a shady spot to enjoy a snack, wait for the ferry, or just enjoy the view. The structure is also designed to collect rainwater which is reused for irrigation, and has solar panels that provide energy for much of the lighting in the park. This greatly reduces the park’s water and energy usage. 

Next time you take a seat on one of the park’s wooden benches or chairs, know you are sitting on Kebonized Southern Yellow Pine! The wood used to make the outdoor seating throughout our park was specially made non-toxic, sustainably treated wood. Kebony’s technology offers an alternative to hardwood, which has a much larger environmental impact. More information on the Kebonization process can be found here